IEEE SSET SB celebrated 2019 WIE week's theme. Balance for the better, technology for everyone, by organizing a Git and GitHub session.The session was taken by Ramees Salim, S6 EEE student of SSET, CEO of SSET IEDC ,Leader of the developer Student Club(SSET)for Google. The event was held in the conference hall of the administrative block and was attended by 15 students. The SB Chairman, Joyal Johnson gave a welcome speech and the session begun with a brief Introduction and proceeded to the implementation of various concepts of the topic. The students were enthusiastic with questions and doubt clearances throughout the session. Thereafter, they came forward with their feedback's and a vote of thanks was given by the WIE Chair, Sherin Philip. The session was concluded by the SB Branch Counselor Mrs. Sonal Ayyappan with an appreciation speech.
