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Call for execom 2022

  1. EXECOM is solely responsible for organizing events in the student branch according to the need of the volunteers.

  2. They have to interact with all the authorities from college level to the Section level or even higher level as per demand of the event or problem.

  3. A proper balance between leadership & study must be maintained by an EXECOM member.

  4. Maximum participation of SB volunteers must be ensured.

  5. An EXECOM Member must treat all SB Volunteers equally from an office bearer perspective.

  6. An EXECOM volunteer must always realize that the office he/she holds is just a volunteer position.

  7. A volunteer must not stay away from his/her duty until the term of the EXECOM is over. 

  8. If he\she have to refrain from his\her duty due to unavoidable circumstances proper explanation must be given to the student branch counselor, student branch chair & student branch mentor through e-mail before doing so.  

  9.  The office bearers membership must be active while he/she is holding the office.


Student Branch Chair

The Student Branch Chair is the key to effective student leadership. He/she is responsible for the overall management of all Branch affairs.

Student Branch Treasurer

The Student Branch Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the financial accounts. It is imperative that all records be kept current and as accurate as possible.

Student Branch WIE Chair

The Student Branch WIE Chair is responsible for all the WIE activities and Women In Engineering Affinity Group in Student Branch

Student Branch Event Coordinator

The Student Branch Event Coordinator is responsible for organizing various events in the Student Branch.

Student Branch Vice Chair

The Student Branch Vice-Chair is the junior Executive Officer. He/she should help the Branch Chair with the workload, oversee some of the subcommittees, and manage some of the activities throughout the semester.

Student Branch LINK Rep

The Student Branch LINK Rep is responsible for the communication between Student Branch and LINK.

Student Branch ECC

The Student Branch ECC serves as the Intermediate between the Student Branch and all the Communications through Social Medias

Student Branch Content Lead

The Student Branch Content Lead holds the responsibility of providing creative contents for Various Student Branch activities.

Student Branch Secretary

The Student Branch Secretary serves as the record keeper and historian of the Student Branch. He/she is responsible for maintaining all records.

Student Branch MDC

The Student Branch Membership Development Coordinator is responsible for increasing the student branch members.

Student Branch Webmaster

The Student Branch Webmaster is responsible for Student Branch Website. He/She is the authorized person for controlling and maintaining the Website.

Student Branch Design Lead

The Student Branch Design Lead holds the responsibility of providing informative and attractive designs for various Student Branch activities.

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